[ Gomenasai - projects - jail scripts ]

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Jail Scripts

[ Description | Download | Source ]

Description - This is a collection of scripts I've written to implement some random functionality in a chroot jail I've set up on one of my machines. These utilities, in a random assortment of python and shell, with some C and possibly Perl coming up, allow users in the jail to do various tasks, such as sending email, that would be bothersome to set up otherwise.
If you're looking to set up a similiar thingy, I'd reccomend looking into Jail Chroot, it's not great, but it's better than anything else I've found.

Download - jail_scripts.tar.bz2 version 0.1 peanutbutter
You'll need to have shell and python setup and running to use these.

Source - As python and shell are scripting languages, the download is the source. It has a BSD license.